Galaxy Wars: For the Sake Of the Universe



Controls: Mouse – Move Ship Left Mouse Button – Pulse Weapon Space – Pause/Upgrade Galaxy Wars: For the Sake of the Universe will test your hand-eye coordination as you dodge the enemy hoard, your weapon orbiting around you destroying everything it contacts! Your ship’s wormhole drive allows it to move at impossible speed, use your mouse to move about the screen. You movements cause your weapon to gravitate around you. Subtle mouse movements give you more control, allowing you to orbit your weapon in small circles. Time your pules attacks to take out chunks of enemies. Bounce your weapon around the screen Collect the blue XP pieces to upgrade your ship and weapon.

Game Info

Galaxy Wars: For the Sake Of the Universe
Galaxy Wars: For the Sake Of the Universe
0 players     Action     359 views
A retro-inspired space adventure with a unique control scheme that puts a new spin on a classic genre.

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